Cosmo PageFX 1.0 Release Notes

This file contains important, late-breaking information about Cosmo PageFX, including installation information, how to contact us, and known problems.

Please visit these Cosmo Software web sites for more information: For detailed product and technical information on Cosmo PageFX. For general information about Cosmo PageFX. The overall Cosmo Software web site.

Table of Contents

Submitting Bugs
Installation and Configuration Information
Known Problems and Workarounds
Licensing and Copyright Notice

Submitting Bugs


We really want to make the feature set and product quality of future releases of Cosmo PageFX meet your needs. You can help by submitting great bug reports. Please make detailed notes about any bugs or weird behavior you see, or ideas for features you have, and send us the information. Access the submission form from Help > Feedback... Or you can visit:

Installation and Configuration Information


This section includes information on the hardware and software requirements, location of installed files, and detailed installation instructions.

System and Software Requirements

To use Cosmo PageFX, you need the following hardware and software:

Cosmo PageFX has not been tested extensively on Windows 98. One thing that has been discovered, however, is that Preview in Browser doesn't result in the content being displayed in the browser; previewing within Cosmo PageFX is fine, and the final, published content displays fine in any browser.

Cosmo PageFX Installation Folder

By default, Cosmo PageFX files are installed to the folder:

C:\Program Files\CosmoSoftware\CosmoPageFX

This Readme.html file is in that folder.

Installing Cosmo PageFX

  1. If you are running Windows NT, be sure that you are logged in to an account that has Administrator privileges.
  2. Insert the Cosmo PageFX CD-ROM disk in your CD-ROM drive.
  3. Before you install Cosmo PageFX, be sure that you have Netscape Communicator 4.05 or Internet Explorer 4.0 installed before installing Cosmo PageFX. Use the Browsers button to access these installers and install at least one of them.
  4. Click the Cosmo PageFX 1.0 button (the label below it says "Installs Cosmo PageFX and Cosmo Player").
  5. The Cosmo PageFX Setup screen appears, followed by the Welcome screen.
  6. Click Next to get to the License screen. Read the license instructions and then click Yes to move to the User Information screen.
  7. Enter your name, your company, and your serial number; then click Next.
  8. The Default Destination screen displays the location where the Cosmo software will be copied. Accept the default; then click Next.
  9. On the Setup Screen, select an option to install all the required software or only parts of the software; then click Next.
  10. The Select Product Dependencies screen shows you that Cosmo Player will be installed for previewing Cosmo PageFX content. Click Next.
  11. The Default Program Folder shows you which Program Folder will be used. Click Next to accept the default.
  12. You're now ready to start installing Cosmo PageFX. Click Next to begin copying files.
  13. Read the license agreement reminder and click Yes.
  14. Cosmo PageFX will be installed. Afterward, you'll be asked whether you want to create a Desktop Shortcut for Cosmo PageFX. Click Yes or No.
  15. The Product Registration screen lets you select an option for registering Cosmo PageFX. Select one of the options and click Next. After Cosmo PageFX is installed, the Setup Complete screen appears.
  16. If you are installing Cosmo PageFX for the first time, do not select the Launch Cosmo PageFX now option, because you must install Cosmo Player before you start Cosmo PageFX.
  17. Click Finish. A message appears to indicate that Cosmo Player must be installed before installation is complete. Click OK/Install to install Cosmo Player.

For your convenience, your Cosmo PageFX CD-ROM contains several third-party installers besides those for Cosmo PageFX and Cosmo Player. If you require any of these in order to run Cosmo PageFX, the necessary installers will be launched by the Cosmo PageFX installer. You can view the contents of the CD-ROM by choosing "Explore CD-ROM" on the Cosmo PageFX CD-ROM screen. (These additional installers include: NT Service Pack 3, Netscape Communicator 4.05, Internet Explorer 4.0 and 4.0.1, Active Movie 1.0, DCOM95 for Windows 95, and DirectX 5.2 for Windows 95.)

Starting Cosmo PageFX

From the Start menu, choose "Programs > Cosmo PageFX > Cosmo PageFX". The Cosmo PageFX program starts and a blank, untitled window appears. The easiest way to come up to speed quickly with PageFX is to use the Quick Start guide that ships with the product; this card walks you through creating your first animation in 15 minutes (or less!). As you become more experienced, you'll want to read the manual for details and use the Quick Reference card for shortcuts and to refresh your memory.

Known Problems and Workarounds


This section describes known problems and workarounds in the Cosmo PageFX 1.0 release.

Installation and Startup


On-line Help






Document Properties

Sequence View

Appearance Palette


Copying and Pasting HTML Tags into Your Web Page

Cosmo PageFX provides a convenient command that lets you copy or save HTML tags. These tags allow you to then embed your PageFX artwork into your HTML page. The HTML embed string provides the .wrl file name, the width and height of the .wrl file, the fallback scripts, and the initial color of the file. This can be accessed using the "File HTML Tags..." command. However, web authoring tools (meaning FrontPage97, FrontPage98, and Netscape Composer, the three that were tested) handle the insertion of these tags in different ways. All these tools have potential difficulties with the HTML tags, but there are easy ways to get around them, as explained below.

For FrontPage97 and FrontPage98:
  1. The PageFX application is running. Publish your .wrl file, then go to the "File" menu and select "HTML tags". Press the "Save..." button to save the HTML tags to a file.
  2. Switch to FrontPage to edit your web page.
  3. Go to "Insert File" to bring in your HTML tags. The tags will be inserted in the document at the location of the insertion cursor.
  4. Preview to verify.
For Netscape Composer:
  1. The PageFX application is running. Publish your .wrl file, then go to the "File" menu and select "HTML tags". Press the "Copy" button to put the HTML tags on the clipboard.
  2. Switch to Netscape Composer to edit your web page.
  3. Go to the "Edit" menu and select "HTML source". This will allow you to paste the HTML tags wherever you want in the document. However, the insertion cursor location is not maintained between the page view and the HTML source view of the document--you have to know where to insert the tag in the HTML. (Of course, you can move your artwork around interactively in the page view once it is in your document.)
  4. Preview to verify.
Verifying pathnames:

You will have to check to make sure that the pathname for your .wrl is correct. If you use the "Copy" command in PageFX, no pathname will be specified in the HTML tags: it is assumed that the file is in the current folder. If you use the "Save..." command, you can save it to the folder that contains your web page, and the pathname for the .wrl will be correct.

Licensing and Copyright Notice


Please read the Software Licensing Agreement displayed before software installation.

This product and related documentation are protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting its use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part of this product or related documentation may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Cosmo Software and its licensors, if any.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the assets, effects, sequences and the clip art images, models, sounds, and textures contained herein may be used, modified, reproduced and redistributed solely in conjunction with content created by this product, provided that neither the assets, effects, sequences, or clip art, nor any portion or derivation thereof, is redistributed (i) in conjunction with any software program other than this product, (ii) as a stand-alone collection of clip art, assets, effects, or sequences, or (iii) as individual stand-alone clip art, assets, effects, or sequences.

Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.

Unpublished - rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.

Copyright © 1998 Cosmo Software, a Silicon Graphics Company, All Rights Reserved